
  The Aladdin Queen lamps share the characteristic of having a moonstone fount and metal base with the Majestic lamps.   These two groups also share the fact that the finish on their metal bases is quite delicate.  Very few of these lamps can be found with the original finish intact. Many of the lamps you will find for sale either have very little of the original finish left, or have had the metal base re-plated. 

  There are four lamps within this group.  The moonstone founts were offered in three colors: green, rose, and white.   The green and rose moonstone lamps were offered only with a silver base while the white moonstone fount was offered with both silver and bronze bases.

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  For something a little different I had this lamp re-plated in a nickel finish instead of silver.  It's far to shiny to resemble the original finish but it's a real attention grabber in the display case!

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   Just for the sake of comparison, the green moonstone Queen in the photo above has about 80 to 90 percent of the original silver finish intact while the rose moonstone lamp on the right has been re-plated.  The original finish has a more golden hue to it than the lamp that has been re-plated.  Go to the larger view and the difference is quite apparent.

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