1932 and 1933
The Venetian is another two-piece glass lamp. The painted fonts have a hidden threaded metal connector that accepts the threads on the stem of the base. The stem can have either a threaded metal collar attached, or glass threads that are molded into the glass. In either case the threads were first covered with glue, and then the two pieces were screwed together. Once the glue dried the joint was quite solid, and permanent. It would not be advisable to try to separate the foot from the font, as in all likely hood the glass would break before the two pieces were ever separated.
As with the Aladdin Simplicity lamps, the paint was applied to the outside of the glass, and is easily scratched or tarnished. If one of the painted lamps has dirt ingrained into the painted surface the odds of cleaning it to look new again are highly unlikely.
The metal threads for the oil fill caps are also recessed into the font allowing the oil fill cap to screw down into it. Like the Cathedral, force should never be used to try to free an oil fill cap that is stuck in the lamp. The glue fastening the metal threads for the oil fill cap will probably not stand up to much pressure which could cause the whole assembly to separate from the glass font itself. Such a separation could also cause the glass font to crack, or break.
Another troublesome area is the edge of the base, or foot. The glass is very thin in this area,and easily chipped. Be very careful when handling, or moving these lamps around so that you do not bump this fragile area into anything. The result of doing so will probably cause damage to the thin edge.
The clear crystal Venetian lamps were never sold in the United States, but were shipped to Canada for distribution there. The clear crystal Venetian lamps can be found in two different styles. One is a two piece fused glass lamp, often referred to as one piece, while the other is a two piece lamp that uses the same metal threaded connector as all the other Venetian lamps. Like the other Venetians the connector on the stem of the two piece clear crystal lamp can be either metal, or have threads molded into the glass stem itself.
Great care must be taken with the two piece clear crystal fused glass lamps (referred to as one piece) not to cause stress at the joint. Doing so can easily crack this particular lamp. The clear crystal lamp at the top left is an example of the "one piece" (fused) clear crystal Venetian.